The trip begins in Santa Cruz

The trip begins in Santa Cruz
Adventure with a cause! Starting point: Stansberry Children's Home - Santa Cruz, Boliva

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day One is in the Books

A few more highlights from day 1.

The Santa Cruz police provided the team with a motorcycle escort to see them safely outside the city limits. It started with one as they left the home and by the end there were about six.  They stopped traffic at all the intersections on the way out of the city to help everyone stay together.

There first stop in Pailon.  Leon rode out in the van so he was able to get some extra footage. 

Don Quito, the support vehicle driver, preparing hot water for some coffee and tea. This will be there mean of preparing food when there are no restaurants around.

Lunch break in Tres Cruces, about 40 km from their final destination for the day.

They arrived in Pozo del Tigre around 4:30 pm and everyone was doing well.  Some friends of Stansberry's provided housing for the evening.  We want to thank all those who have been a part of this project and look forward to sharing the experience over the next few weeks.

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