The trip begins in Santa Cruz

The trip begins in Santa Cruz
Adventure with a cause! Starting point: Stansberry Children's Home - Santa Cruz, Boliva

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Stansberry Fund Raiser

Cycle to the world cup!!  Santa Cruz, Bolivia to Sao Paulo, Brazil

On June 10th a group of Cyclists will be riding their bicycles from Santa Cruz, Bolivia to Sao Paulo, Brazil, just over 2000 km. in 14 days!!  Why??   “To be in Brazil for the world cup?” maybe, “to see if they can?” could be, but more than these reasons, to raise money for Stansberry.  In the past several years our costs have increased more than regular donations and so we would like to make up the difference.  The funds will go to paying the salaries and social benefits of the 35 local workers we have employed to care for the 300 children and the 100 + families that we work with in our various programs.  The Bolivian government requires that the workers receive 14 salaries per year and we are glad to see the government getting involved for the good of their people, however as a non-profit organization this does put a stress on us and because our programs are focused on the marginalized of society we need to find funds from outside the program.  Our goal is to raise $130,000 and to make it to Sao Paulo!

To participate in this event as a sponsor you can sponsor an individual cyclist per km or give a donation to Stansberry tagged for the cycling fund raiser.  Those living in the USA can send their donations to:

Stansberry Children's Home
12002 Arnold Rd
Orrville, OH 44667 USA  with checks made out to Stansberry Children's Home

And for our Canadian Donors:
Stansberry Children's Home
Box 182
Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 CANADA with cheques made out to Stansberry Children’s Home Canada

Or see our website for online donating.
To learn more about our programs please visit .

To participate as a cyclist contact Charles Paetkau at

Our list of cyclists is:
Irai Rodriguez - Canada
Charles Paetkau - Canada - former director of Stansberry
Julie Kozel - Bolivia - present director of Stansberry
NetiƱo Silva - Bolivia - former volunteer of Stansberry
Mario Loayza - Bolivia - former child of Stansberry now commercial pilot
Milton da Fonseca - Brazil
Jen Glenwright - Canada
 Deneen Ropp - Canada-former volunteer at Stansberry