The trip begins in Santa Cruz

The trip begins in Santa Cruz
Adventure with a cause! Starting point: Stansberry Children's Home - Santa Cruz, Boliva

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Change in Plans

So after a rough day seven, the group had an even rougher day eight. On a day where they planned to do around 200 km, they found themselves at the 100 km mark when they stopped for the evening. Same rolling hills, rough shoulder with lots of heavy truck traffic and a good headwind made for a less than ideal day. They are currently just outside of Ribas do Rio Pardo which puts them about 240 km from where they are supposed to be at the end of tomorrow. I don't think they are letting that bother them much and they will be able to make up the difference it may just take a few days to do so. We will wait and see how conditions are tomorrow before we make any predictions. Here are some highlights from today.

So the plan was that the would ride from the church back to the highway in the morning since it was quite a ways away and the kids who planned on driving most of the team never showed.  After waiting and waiting they finally loaded everything up and packed all ten people into the already very crowded van.

All eight bike up on to!

More comfortable than on the saddle?

Chuck's rack design is a winner.

Gabriel taking a break from the Van.

This is what they have to travel on...not ideal.

They did find a nice lunch stop where they were able to catch the first half of Brasil v Mexico.

Let see if they can make it to Tres Lagaos tomorrow.  Sleep well and pedal hard.

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