The trip begins in Santa Cruz

The trip begins in Santa Cruz
Adventure with a cause! Starting point: Stansberry Children's Home - Santa Cruz, Boliva

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Deneen Ropp

My Personal Journey to “Cycle to the World Cup”: Deneen Ropp

Stansberry Children’s Home and Daycare is in need of immediate funds to relieve the demands of a changing society.  This is what prompted a need for a fundraiser that could involve the Canadian, U.S., and Bolivian Constituencies.  Charles Paetkau (Chuck) is the ‘adventurous’ past director and is heading up a team to “cycle for the children”.  This has been in the planning for quite some time – I personally was in favour and supportive but had no desire to participate, until…
Friday, Feb. 28/14 – I awoke with such a deep seeded passion to be on this bike trip!  And…not just to drive along in the support van but to actually ride a bike!!  I prayed that this would pass – truly I did!  I had a list of reasons why it was crazy – but at the same time could not shake the desire to go.  One by one, God’s finger crossed out my entire list.  I strongly believe there is a purpose for me to be involved on this trip.

I am asking all of my friends and family to please journey with me, whether you feel a need to support in a financial way or be a prayer partner or BOTH!!

When our family served at Stansberry (2004-2006), we saw firsthand the children and families that are being impacted.  Since we have returned, it has been a desire of ours to keep supporting our brothers and sisters in Bolivia with prayers of encouragement and making known to others the financial need that they are faced with on an ongoing basis.
The fundraising bike trip is set for June 10-24, 2014.  So far there are 8 cyclists and we will cycle from Santa Cruz, Bolivia to Sao Paulo, Brazil (across the Brazilian Pantanal) - a distance of approx. 2100 km. 

I was reading a devotion book, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young and came across this quote:
 “When I gave you my Spirit, I empowered you to live beyond your natural ability and strength.  The issue is not your strength but Mine, which is limitless.”

I am scared –and as I train I am reminded of how frail this ‘ole’ body is!  But I am called – I can’t explain – but I must go.  If God can use this 47 year old woman/wife/mother to ride a bike across ‘The Pantanal,’ He certainly can raise the money desperately needed for Stansberry! 

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this letter and for your prayers.

(You can follow us on the blog – OUR GOAL IS $130,000.00

For any choice of donation, make a note that the donation is for the “Fundraising Bike Trip” and my name for the cyclist.


  1. Hi Deneen,
    We are praying for you tomorrow as you start your cycle tour - keep us updated.
    We are very excited for you - we looked at the map and it looks like you have many towns to go through and lots of things to see.

    Wanita and Gerardina.

  2. Hi Sis,
    Your in our thoughts and Prayers. We will be praying for you everyday, your such an awesome example and encouragement to our family.

    Greg, Liza, and Family

  3. Hi Deneen
    Obviously the old guy did not have the stamina to join you on the ride! I hope that he is at least sponsoring you! Have fun, keep hydrated, and don't let Charles fall too far behind.

  4. Making a donation in a few minutes!! Go Deneen go!
