The trip begins in Santa Cruz

The trip begins in Santa Cruz
Adventure with a cause! Starting point: Stansberry Children's Home - Santa Cruz, Boliva

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Monday, June 16, 2014

The End to a Very Long Day

Another 200 km day in the books, 206 to be exact.  They made it to their hosts in Campo Grande around 8:30 this evening.  They were on the road at 6 am and this stretch they found themselves climbing hill after hill.  They were all much more exhausted they they thought they would be but it went well.  Also, today marks the half way point of the trip both in days and km/mi traveled. Way to go Team!

An early started aided by the van lights. 

This was the hilly terrain the dealt with throughout the day

Respect the Wildlife

A little R&R

Here is a (good?) look at the bike rack we had made for the trip. It will hold all eight bikes if needed.  They loaded up a few after arriving in Campo Grande to get to the church where they are staying.

This is tomorrows day if all goes as planned.  It is around 200 km but is also all hills so they will see how they feel in the morning and make adjustments if needed.

1 comment:

  1. Cheering you on from Singapore! Ride on!!
